
Technical News

The International SparkLink Wireless Short-Range Communications Alliance Sailing Summit 2023 was held in Shenzhen on Jul. 1. Officials from Shenzhen municipal government, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR), and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), board members of the SparkLink Alliance, and members of the SparkLink Alliance, which are up to 300, attended the summit meeting. During the meeting, the ceremony of International SparkLink Wireless Short-Range Communications Alliance sailing was held, the SparkLink chipsets, development boards and test instruments, which are the first wave, were released. 

The International SparkLink Wireless Short-Range Communications Alliance Sailing Summit 2023 was held in Shenzhen on Jul. 1. Officials from Shenzhen municipal government, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR), and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), board members of the SparkLink Alliance, and members of the SparkLink Alliance, which are up to 300, attended the summit meeting. During the meeting, the ceremony of International SparkLink Wireless Short-Range Communications Alliance sailing was held, the SparkLink chipsets, development boards and test instruments, which are the first wave, were released. 

Sylicom presented SLB chipset DX-T600 and SLM10 module in the meeting. The DX-T600 supports SparkLink Release 1.0 specification, and the SLM10 module support Linux/Android/Harmony/Windows systems with external USB 2.0 interface. They can be used for smart home applications, e.g. wireless projection, smart screen and multi-channel surround sound field, and smart manufacturing applications, e.g. motion control, mobile robot and process monitoring.   

一家名为 Hubble Network 的初创团队拿到了包括美国YC投资等机构在内2000万美元的A轮融资,其主营业务是打造“蓝牙卫星网络”,让蓝牙设备通过卫星联网,为蓝牙行业提供新的物联网定位和追踪方案。这家公司称其业务为“物联网设备的星链”(Starlink for IoT devices),意图通过卫星群,为全球所有装有BLE芯片的设备提供实时的数据更新。


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