S132 SoftDevice

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2020-08-23 20:04 #66 btt
The S132 SoftDevice is a Bluetooth® Low Energy Central and Peripheral protocol stack solution. It supports up to twenty connections with an additional observer and a broadcaster role all running concurrently. The S132 SoftDevice integrates a Bluetooth Low Energy Controller and Host, and provides a full and flexible API for building Bluetooth Low Energy nRF52 System on Chip solutions.

Key features

1. Bluetooth 5.1 compliant single-mode Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack
-Concurrent central, observer, peripheral, and broadcaster roles with up to 20 concurrent connections along with one Observer and one Broadcaster
-Extended Advertising support
--Advertising and scanning up to 255 bytes of advertising data in an advertising event
--Advertising, scanning, and connecting on all supported PHYs
--Anonymous advertising
-Configurable number of connections and connection properties
-Configurable attribute table size
-Custom UUID support
-Link layer supporting LE 1M PHY and LE 2M PHY
-LL Privacy, including for the Extended Advertising modes
-LE Data Packet Length Extension
-ATT and SM protocols
-L2CAP with LE Credit-based Flow Control
-LE Secure Connections pairing model
-GATT Client and Server
-Configurable ATT MTU

2. Complementary nRF5 SDK including Bluetooth profiles and example applications

3. Master Boot Record for over-the-air device firmware update

-SoftDevice, application, and bootloader can be updated separately

4. Memory isolation between the application and the protocol stack for robustness and security

5. Thread-safe supervisor-call based API

6. Asynchronous, event-driven behavior

7. No RTOS dependency

-Any RTOS can be used

8. No link-time dependencies
-Standard ARM® Cortex®-M4 project configuration for application development

9. Support for concurrent and non-concurrent multiprotocol operation

-Concurrent with the Bluetooth stack using Radio Timeslot API
-Alternate protocol stack in application space

10. Support for control of external power amplifiers and low noise amplifiers
11. Quality of service module with channel noise monitoring

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