
2024年8月27日14:00-17:00 深圳湾万丽酒店大宴会厅



时间 议题 演讲人
14:00-14:05 高通领导致辞 盛况 高通公司高级副总裁
14:05-14:10 移远领导致辞 张栋 移远通信C00 
14:10-14:15 运营商领导致辞 陈博 中国电信集团公司物联网创新中心总经理
14:15-14:30 开创智能计算无处不在的时代 李大龙 高通公司产品市场总监
14:30-14:50  边缘智能,开启无限可能 王海波 移远高级产品总监
14:50-15:10  合作伙伴分享1  于航 宝时得科技(中国)有限公司
15:10-15:30 合作伙伴分享2 刘维超 南京蔚蓝智能科技有限公司创始人兼CEO
15:30-16:000 茶歇 & DEMO参观
16:00-16:15  移远边算一体方案赋能工业智能高效落地 兰世桂 移远通信副总经理
16:15-16:30  从模型库到部署-高通AI边缘计算解决方案 李万俊 高通公司高级资深工程师
16:30-16:45 合作伙伴分享3 张武 深圳卡多希科技有限公司联合创始人&CEO
16:45-17:00 移远具身智能技术分享 沈锋 移远通信产品经理

A speaker’s capability to connect to mobile bias like smartphones and the other smart bias in your house is what makes it smart. moment’s smart speakers have a erected in voice adjunct that you can control with your voice. Smart speakers have two major advantages for everyone. First, you can control them anywhere via an app. Second, they combine a whole lot of smart features in one mecca for easy access.

There are multiple wearable technology, and one of them is headphones. Headphones are electrical gadgets that you wear but aren’t technically considered wearable technology.  Technology is more than just electronics. The new updates are improving the user experience by making the Bluetooth standard, USB C-Charging, water resistance and better battery life. Comfort is a big factor when you want to enjoy your music for hours.

The world is turning to electric. Nowadays electric bikes are one of the widely seen vehicles. The use of electric bikes is increasing day by day due to the attractiveness and advantages these bike offers. There has been a rise in the demand for e-bikes all over the globe. Bicycle progress continued, and lot of improvements have been made and of today make the bicycle a vehicle of continued technology. E-bikes are the future of bicycle vehicles, even they are creating history with the help of new technologies that are making them faster, safer and long-lasting.
