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建立 2023年10月04日 03:41, 星期三
已變更 2023年10月04日 03:41, 星期三
尺寸 4897119
檔案 157
建立 2023年10月28日 14:45, 星期六
已變更 2023年10月28日 14:45, 星期六
尺寸 860.4 KB
檔案 123
Key Technologies of Large-Scale Indoor Ultra- Wideband Iocalization Network
建立 2023年11月25日 11:48, 星期六
已變更 2023年11月25日 11:48, 星期六
尺寸 12.93 MB
檔案 144


建立 2023年10月04日 03:57, 星期三
已變更 2023年10月04日 03:57, 星期三
尺寸 15.07 MB
檔案 133
With the rapid development of the intelligent manufacturing, the research and application of industrial indoor positioning technology have developed rapidly. In industrial production, the indoor positioning technology can be used to locate and track goods, personnel, dangerous goods, etc., thereby helping to simplify management,improve production efficiency, and reduce production risk factors. At present, most indoor positioning systems have the problem of floating positioning coordinates during positioning, and the problem of positioning failure caused by abnormal positioning data.The occurrence of these problems will greatly reduce the positioning accuracy and stability of the positioning system. At the same time, most of the current indoor positioning algorithms are positioned in a two-dimensional coordinate system, and there is a problem that they cannot truly reflect the height coordinates of the tag nodes.Therefore, in this paper, the research and testing of indoor positioning algorithms are carried out in a three-dimensional coordinate system.
建立 2023年11月25日 11:54, 星期六
已變更 2023年11月25日 11:54, 星期六
尺寸 8.29 MB
檔案 145
建立 2023年10月28日 14:49, 星期六
已變更 2023年10月28日 14:49, 星期六
尺寸 1.57 MB
檔案 127

Documents for application of Renesas r7f0c002.(Note:Chinese Version)

建立 2023年10月04日 04:00, 星期三
已變更 2023年10月04日 04:00, 星期三
尺寸 2.76 MB
檔案 133
Due to the complex and changeable indoor environment and scene, the ultra-wideband (UWB) signal is blocked and weakened by indoor obstacles during transmission, resulting in a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) error that affects the indoor positioning accuracy, and also makes the actual positioning process. The label location and trajectory route are confusing. Based on the existing UWB indoor positioning system, this paper studies the UWB positioning method,positioning optimization algorithm and trajectory optimization method,aiming at the difficulty of weakening the NLOS error and correcting the travel trajectory of personnel.
建立 2023年11月25日 11:58, 星期六
已變更 2023年11月25日 11:58, 星期六
尺寸 7.52 MB
檔案 116

Xshell 7.x evaluation version with patch

建立 2023年10月04日 04:02, 星期三
已變更 2023年10月04日 04:02, 星期三
版本 7.x
尺寸 44.13 MB
檔案 141
Abstract:In thc harsh working environment of mines,the traditional cable reeling method cannot guarantee the power supply of electric shovel for a long time, and there are hidden safety hazards in the process of power supply. A new cable reel car which follows the shovel is proposed to address the above problems.In order to realize the autonomous following of electric shovel by cable reel car and ensure the 1。ng time power supply of electric shovel in mining environment,the positioning algorithm of electric mine shovel based on uItra wide band(UWB)technology is proposed and time difference of arrival(TDOA) aigorithm is used to construct the positioning model of electric mine shovel.Based on the TDOA ranging algorithm,the di Stance from each base station to the target electtic shovel position is measured and the difference is calculaled.The distance difference information obtained is moving average filtered to suppress the noise generated in the ranging process and achieve smooth data.The tag position is calculated according 10 the distance difference after fihering correction.The target electric shovel position is tracked with the strong tracking extended Kalman fiher(STFEKF)algorithm to further eliminate noise and improve the positioning accuracy of the target electric shovel during movement.The simulation results show that under the influence of different Observation noises,the error of the moving filter+STFEKF positioning method is smaller than that of the traditional EKF algorithm.This method effectively solves the problem of positioning error increasing with the distance increasing or the sudden change of shovel movement.The positioning mean square deviation is reduced by more than 70%compared with the traditional EKF algorithm,and the positioning traj ectory is closer to the real movement traj ectory of the target with good performance of positioning tracking and noise suppression.
建立 2023年11月25日 12:03, 星期六
已變更 2023年11月25日 12:03, 星期六
尺寸 7.15 MB
檔案 115